Neowise / by sam taylor

Hey Y’all -

So, I’ve been getting a few more images up the last stretch - enthused by getting out to the woods and fields, and seeing our friends and summer weather. It was a weird year - today’s image is a good example. Neowise was a phenomenon last summer, and given how much I love shooting astro, it was a given we’d go out after it - and we did. My wife and daughter and I had a great family evening in a big field in Barbour County, marveling at how you could see the comet with the naked eye.

And then I came home, and didn’t use this photo at all.

It’s been a wild couple of years in there - kid had brain surgery, getting married, finishing a PhD, surviving a pandemic. With all that on the plate, it made keeping this little operation up and running a “luxury”. I kept shooting - that’s for me; selfish - but the writing the posts, and deciding what was “good enough” and curating the feed, and managing print orders, and figuring out how to do art shows, and whether to make pieces that no one can go see, and…. you get the idea.

Neowise stands for “Near Earth Object, Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer”. Nice job on the acronym, there NASA folks. But taken more simplistic it would seem to translate as “New Wisdom” - something I feel like I have a ton of, after the last several years.

Love y’all, and happy Tuesday.