Blue Hole / by sam taylor

Blue Hole

Good Tuesday Evening!

West Virginia place names are amazing - sometimes. You can go to “Hell For Certain", you can take a vacation to “Porto Rico”, and apparently the wilderness at Dolly Sods are the most popular attraction in the state, based on the photos I’ve seen the last few weekends.

On the other side, we tend to also be not so creative. How many hundred Laurel Creeks/Runs/Branches are there (trivia answer 281)?

Today’s photo from one of many “Blue Hole"s in this state.

I’ve been a bit mystified by the surge of folks at Dolly Sods - a place that is undeniably beautiful, but I would be hard pressed to call the most beautiful in the state. So, I’m going to make a point the next few weeks to post some fall foliage, and all of it “not Dolly Sods”. There isn’t a shortage of leaves in WV this year.

Love Y’all.