Good Friday Morning!
There is a difference between traveling “for fun” and traveling “for work”. Lucky for me, I generally enjoy traveling regardless. It always helps to recenter and reset my thinking about this world we live in, and help me keep perspective on the problems and joys we face, both here in West Virginia/Appalachia, and in the country more generally.
I feel like every time I go on a “big” trip, I come back imploring folks to travel - even it it’s a lower-cost fully road-trip camping and couch crashing trip, and to someplace not in the tourist guides. There isn’t much to learn about our world from a week in a chain hotel in Myrtle Beach, drinking the same drinks and eating the same food that you can get at home. It also doesn’t just mean “cities” - I have learned so much from going to the “Richwood” sized towns in New Mexico, or Indiana, or even China, and seeing how “normal” folks live “normal” lives in their little part of the world.
Today’s image tries to speak to that romanticism of the road. Pushing through the night, heading for a new experience in the morning. Only 300 miles to sunrise.
300 Miles To Sunrise - Maryland